Monday, November 2, 2015

Hearthstone: Roguish priest?

Finally I gathered enough gold for the second quarter of Naxxramas, and I've finished the quests some days ago. I've never really given a full review about Hearthstone, so I haven't mentioned yet, that I find all these quests really exciting, funny and creative. Playing against these creatures with different, often quite interesting hero powers and decks is a whole new experience and a curious change after using and battling with the same heroes day by day in play or ranked mode.

So I was kind of looking forward what the Plague Quarter had in store for me, and I don't feel disappointed at all. :D My favorite was Loatheb at the end without doubt. When I first saw his 75 health and dealing 3 hero damage power I thought "Now, that is a balanced game!". Seriously it felt like trying to fell a tree with a penknife - next to impossible. But soon it turned out that he was going to do a favor for me, and kill himself with the spores and some other cards dealing damage mostly on him. xD So after all it was much easier, than I thought it will be.

Another thing about the Plague Quarter is that I felt almost too excited about having my own Belcher. xD I know it must sound crazy, but I had heard so much about how this card is one of the best value and most usable cards, that I really wanted one of my own. I had some before when I could steal one from the enemy with my priest's Mind Control card. My best stolen card so far is definitely Deathwing. I had such enormous luck with my card draw, that I almost felt bad about it. xD Thinking of the priest like this I have to admit that it seems somewhat roguish. Well, not just somewhat, but a lot. I mean stealing someone's card like this is a form of backstab. It's worse, than Sap, and unquestionably a more roguish thing to do, than Assassinate - besides the name, there's nothing more to this card that is so much related to a rogue character. Maybe this can explain my love for priest in this game, instead of rogue (which I usually choose). xD For me the play-style of the rogue basic deck is more like a warrior's, than an actual rogue's.

Let's jump back to Sludge Belcher for a moment. I didn't only want this card because of it's value, but it's so funny. "Tummy feels funny." xD Am I the only one who couldn't figure out what it's saying when you put the card down on the table? I had to look it up, cause I wasn't able to understand it at all. Also I always have to laugh when Belcher attacks. Once I wanted to show one of my friends the "sound effects", so I looked it up on YouTube, and I found a video that shows how Belcher sounds in 12 languages. It's sick, but totally worth to watch, cause it reaches a point where being disgusting turns to something utterly hilarious.* xD
And beside all these really important qualities it really is a great value card. :D

*You can watch the video of LFP Gaming HERE.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Heroes of the storm adventures - full berserker mode

The last one was quite a Blizzard heavy week, I should say, since I continued to play Hearthstone, and I also tried Heroes of the Storm. I have to admit that I didn't hold out too much hope after I had tried LOL, and didn't like it. I know the two games have their differences, but both of them are MOBA games, while I'm more like an RPG person. But guess what! I really like it!

I was told by some who have been playing LOL for quite some time by now, that Heroes of the Storm is easier to play, it doesn't have that much strategy going on and things like that. I evidently can't verify this statement, as I don't know too much about Heroes of the Storm yet, and even less about LOL, but that can be a reason why I enjoy this game more. Maybe I'm just too noob for LOL. xD It's far from impossible. :D

What can also be a problem for me is that I tend to stick with only one character that I like, while in MOBA games it's better to have a variety of choices that you know well and can play with on a higher level. So I've made a decision to try out more characters this time, and so far I'm mostly doing well, but it was kind of hard to start this trend for first. Actually I have a little story about this. :D

 So one of my daily quests was to play with a warrior, and man, I'm no warrior type person in MOBAs. And also I've never played with a dwarf character before (not in RPGs, not in MOBAs, not anywhere since I don't like them too much - it's a weird bonding with my character thing), but last week I could only choose Muradin as a warrior, so I did, as I wanted my quest done. Yes, I'm OCD about quests, and I'm also a gold hoarder. xD

I played some matches in a party with my boyfriend, and I started to feel the thrill and raw force of being a melee warrior character, so I was running around smashing things, and I enjoyed it. :D

Once we were kind of at the end of the game, and I started to hit the enemy's core when I'd already lost half of my hp, so my boyfriend said: "Careful, honey, you're not indestructible!"
But I was like: "YES I AM!!!" On a majestic, deep,  slightly hoarse voice of course, in full berserker mode.

Just for the record I didn't die, we had finished the game before that could happen. :D

Jumping back to an average game-play, my favorite character is clearly Jaina so far. I've always loved assassin styles the most, so it really is no surprise after all.

There is an other thing that I also love about Heroes of the Storm, that isn't the most important, and maybe a little bit girly, but it's also part of my game experience, so here we go. :D I really like that the armors or "skins" are so detailed and beautiful. Nowhere near practical, but in a fantasy game I find it more important to look good, as you don't actually have to go out, and fight or run in these things. :D I'm kind of looking forward to try out Tyrande or Sylvanas just because of their outfits. xD

 This is it about Heroes of the Storm in a nutshell, just to share my first impressions. :)

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Hearthstone: Tavern Brawl is like Christmas :D

So as I told you guys earlier, I've decided that I'm going to play Hearthstone without spending any real money on it, which is no simple task if you want to actually improve within a fair amount of time. But as I also said, it isn't a goal for me to jump on top of the players list as soon as possible. Not ever maybe, but I definitely would like to get better. Who doesn't after all? :D

Basically now it's all about spearing gold for solo adventures, that means I seriously restricted my expenses. No shopping and no new card decks for me now! :( But I'll just stop whining about this right here. :D
Since it's kind of a collector game, a huge part of the thrill is opening new decks. You never know what you gonna get, and it's so excited to  take a peek on each card, and see if you got any rare, epic or even legendary cards. Maybe it's just me, but I always get jumpy about opening decks, and in the first week when I was playing the game, I couldn't stop myself spending every gold on new decks, whenever I got 100 together. So basically I have this strange kind of probably-shouldn't-tell-you addiction about deck opening. xD

Aaaaaaand that's where Tavern Brawl comes in the picture. :D  Now that I can't get cards any other way (or of course I can, but if I bought decks, I wouldn't have enough gold for adventures), I wait for the tavern every week, like a child waits for Christmas. xD

Beside the reward it's always fun to play games in the tavern, and I find it admirable how many ideas the creators have to keep us entertained week after week. It's nice to have a chance to step out of the comfort zone, and try something new with different rules and tactics.

And let's not forget the well deserved "Christmas present". xD

Monday, October 12, 2015

Shopping time: new GvG deck

After I was finally able to buy and enter the first quarter of Naxxramas, and finished it shortly after, I still had 100 spared gold. As soon as the idea of buying a new deck popped up in my head, I knew I'll not be able to resist this time. xD

I just had to reward myself somehow for being so good in spearing money for Nassramas. Not that I shouldn't save for the next quarter right now instead, but you know how it is. :D

So I rushed for the shop hungrily, and bought a GvG card deck. At least with the Shielded Minibot and Sabotage I can say it's worth the money. :D Now back to save the next 700 gold!! (No shopping for me in the next week. Such a sad thing... :(( )

Friday, October 9, 2015

Hearthstone: doing the hard way

I've been playing Hearthstone for about 2 weeks now, and I really like it! I didn't fall in love with the game, as I did with the Dragon Age series, but still somehow I just can't stop playing it. Again, it's always that "just one more..." thing. Just one more match in this case. xD

I enjoy that I have to think over each move and guess the opponent's cards and play style as well. How you need to think sometimes several moves forward in this game, reminds me a little bit of chess. But Hearthstone is way more fun! (At least for me. :D)

Since I'm new to this game, I still have sooo much to learn. I experience that most of the time having a good, strong deck of cards is vital, but win or loose depends more on the person who uses it. And then there's luck. At the end of the day it's always luck. If you get the cards in a fortunate order, then it's possible to beat a great deck with a basic one.

I have always been someone who goes for rogue characters in RPG games, dual weapon is unquestionably my favored choice most of the time, so it struck me for first that while I like Valeera and the rogue deck, it's nowhere near my favorite in this game.
And I would have never guessed what had actually happened. But there it is: priest became my favorite character! *Heart attack incoming!* xD I've never really played with supporter characters, that have a healing ability. I more like the double handed warrior or dual weapon rogue style, but I guess it doesn't matter in this game. The whole concept and set of slang words are different, so tempo priest it is for me. At least for now.

Another thing about this game is that you can play it 100% free, if you have the patience. You can always buy the solo adventures like Naxxramas and Blackrock Mountain for real life money, but you can also spare gold for them, however it'll take a lot of time to improve your decks this way.

So I've made a decision: I'll play this game without spending any money on it. :D You must think that I have a timeturner, or something like this, but I'm serious about that resolve. It's not that important to me to jump on the top in, let's say, one month. It's more like a challenge for me, and I have to admit, that I find it exciting. I have to work hard for every new deck, and so it's a thrill to open one from time to time. I know it's a contradiction, but somehow everything feels more valuable this way.
Currently I'm trying to spare money for the first quarter of Naxxramas. It's 700 gold, and as you can see, I already have 660, so this goal is kind of close by now. :) With tomorrow's quest I'll be able to buy it, and I'm far too excited! :D I can't tell you guys, how hard it has been not to spend the money on new decks. xD Earlier whenever I had 100 gold, I immediately ran to the shop and bought a new deck. So it's not easy now, but I try my best and be strong every time I have the urge to buy something in the shop. (Could be a good policy in real life too... xD)

Monday, June 29, 2015

Luxor 2 HD: The ultimate time killer

When it comes to time killing, the Luxor series is unquestionably amongst the bests. Right here I'm writing about Luxor 2, because I'm playing with this part of the game series now, but almost everything is true for the other Luxor games as well.

If you have something important to do, for example to learn for exams, to write an assignment for a job or course, to write a term paper, or really anything else, then Luxor seems ideal for gamers  to relax a bit during work. It has stages and levels, so it's quite well split, but that's exactly where the evil lies behind. It's called: "Just one more level..."

Believe me when I'm saying, that it's even more dangerous than the "just one more quest" thing in RPGs. The trap is that it seems much more innocent. Because it can take only 3-5 minutes to finish a level when you're at the beginning of the map. For first it's easy to complete the stages as well, but it will get longer soon enough to realize, that "just one more stage" isn't the best way to make yourself believe, that you don't actually waste a whole lot of time on not doing your job. But when it's "just one more level", you can easily say to yourself, that it's nothing. The worst is that the more you play, the harder it gets to stop. You'll get more and more eager to get through  the levels which of course become more difficult as you proceed in the game.